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Lookup Service must not be configured with the "UserDatabaseRealm" enabled.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-256715 VCLU-70-000010 SV-256715r888736_rule Medium
The Lookup Service performs user authentication at the application level and not through Tomcat. By default, there is no configuration for the "UserDatabaseRealm" Tomcat authentication mechanism. As part of eliminating unnecessary features and to ensure the Lookup Service remains in its shipping state, the lack of a "UserDatabaseRealm" configuration must be confirmed.
VMware vSphere 7.0 vCenter Appliance Lookup Service Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-02-21


Check Text ( C-60390r888734_chk )
At the command prompt, run the following command:

# grep UserDatabaseRealm /usr/lib/vmware-lookupsvc/conf/server.xml

If the command produces any output, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-60333r888735_fix)
Navigate to and open:


Remove all nodes.

Restart the service with the following command:

# vmon-cli --restart lookupsvc